CasualCoo and LadyCoo have some goals for their stream and community. Help us achieve these goals to build our community and facility the growth of our casual gaming message.
- Donation Goal : $250.00 — Will be going to launch our CasualCoo’s new video channel with expanded casual content. The goal will be to launch this in February 2020.
- Follower Goal : Aiming to get to 100 followers – only 9 more to go! Will be giving away a tier 2 sub once we hit 100 followers.
- Cheer Goal : 100 – LadyCoo is seeking some cheer during our Drunk Tanking, every 100 CasualCoo and LadyCoo will have a drink during our special Xmas streams.
- Sub Goal : 10 – If we get to 10 subs this month LadyCoo will tank a dungeon during a Drunk Tanking stream in January. Note, LadyCoo has never played WOW before.
No matter the level of support you can provide our community we greatly appreciate it.