In order to ensure everyone enjoys and gets the most out of CasualCoo’s community the following rules. Please take the following as a code of conduct. there is any violation of the below rules you will be banned indefinitely from our community.
- Community members are welcome to share their opinions, and productively add to any ongoing discussions and defend such opinion. It will be expected you express and defend yourself in a factual and respective manner.
- Community members are most welcome to share any opinion unless such opinion is disrespectful or conveys hatred to any individual, race, religious affiliation, sexual orientation or gender.
- No trolling of anyone in chat, within our community or other communities.
- No elitist jerk attitudes or behavior.
- No sending of links in chat.
- Absolutely no chat or sending of sexual explicit material in chat, email or other social media channels to anyone in this community or other communities.
- No soliciting or advertising of products/services.
- If you are watching a stream or follow CasualCoo on Twitter or Instagram you will be subject to not only the above but also to the channel’s TOS of which you are engaging with CasualCoo.
- If you are interested in clipping and using any part of our streams, channel content simply click here and ask permission. If you clip and or manipulate any of our content to suit your personal or commercial purposes you will be report and any other necessary action will be taken.
- Bottom line, have fun! If you can’t have fun CasualCoo does not want you to be part of his community.