CasualCoo & LadyCoo are hosting their second charity stream on May 30th. They are very excited about this stream. The stream will start at 3 pm PST and will last 8 hours. They will be raising money for #COV-AID.
#COV-AID is an international charity driven by musicians, gamers, and streamers. Proceeds support front-line health care workers, first responders, and the children and families most affected.
What can you expect during this stream? Like any CasualCoo & LadyCoo stream there are going to be a lot of laughs, a few libations and guaranteed silliness. The stream will be a combination of World of Warcraft adventures and then 3 – 4 games of their #plankthecurve Musical Fun Night. In addition, expect a few surprises.
CasualCoo & LadyCoo‘s goal is to raise $500 for #COV-AID. We are offering rewards and prizes when we reach different fundraising goal levels. Those rewards include:
- Extra Musical Fun Night bingo cards
- LadyCoo Tanks
- A !Socialable T-Shirt
- CasualCoo & LadyCoo dance off
- 7-11 food delivery
- LadyCoo controls the mouse
- CasualCoo will host a 12 hour stream
- The top donor gets a Tier 3 subscription to our channel
For the #plankthecurve Musical Fun Night portion of the stream we are seeking feedback from our followers, subscribers, and viewers for the musical themes we will be playing during the stream. Click here to pick your favorite 3 themes.
As mentioned above the stream will start at 3 pm PST. The tentative schedule for the stream:
- World of Warcraft – Tanking and DPSing time-walking dungeons – 3:00 – 4:45 pm (guildie, viewer & other streamer runs)
- #plankthecurve Musical Fun Night – 5:00 pm – 9:30 pm – Click here to learn more about this fantastically, fun event.
- Drunk Tanking – A sneak peek at CasualCoo & LadyCoo‘s bi-weekly World of Warcraft stream.
CasualCoo & LadyCoo look forward to seeing you all this Saturday.